
After an absence of some years, 2024 sees my return to giving talks on the history of the Abbey Fields.

I currently have two bookings (see below) for this ever popular and now greatly updated presentation.

It lasts about 75 minutes and has over 400 images, including many new ones. It takes in the formation of the fields, a brief look at the days of the Abbey and then concentrates on the complicated acquisition of the fields, and subsequent development as Kenilworth’s park. It comes right up to date with the latest archaeological discoveries, and swimming pool development.

Currently arranged are:

Kenilworth Library, Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 7.00 pm.

This is part of 2024’s Heritage Open Days week, which actually starts on the 6th but the following week wasn’t viable.

Update 24th July:  Tickets will soon be available to reserve, a link will be added here.


Kenilworth U3A open meeting, Methodist Church, Priory Road, 17th October 2024, from 1.45 p.m.


Copies of The Abbey Fields and other of my books will be available to purchase at discount prices.
